Meet our Reviewers

Carmela Ramos

Carmela Ramos has always loved the art of storytelling in all forms. Born in Western Australia, before becoming mother to her three children, she enthusiastically taught primary school. 
Unfortunately, thanks to her vast experience in storytelling through song, drama, and visual arts, she has created a problem for herself.  Her children won’t go to sleep unless she entertains them with a dramatised story!  So every night, she utilises her talents for writing and speaking in creating reality-based funny stories for her thirteen-year-old son, scary stories for her ten-year-old daughter(sometimes she scares herself) and the retelling, with a personal twist, of classic stories for her five-year-old son.
         Carmela loves children’s literature and delights in the children’s reactions to read-aloud books.  Her children’s opinions often feature in her book reviews.  In 2014, Carmela completed a "Writing Picture Books" Course at the Australian Writer's Centre.She is also secretly working on her own children’s book. .


          Eleven-year-old Jack is in Year Six at Our Lady’s Assumption Primary School in Western Australia.  He’s like every other kid and enjoys going to the movies, playing soccer with his friends, and swimming.  His favourite movie is “Star Wars” but he is happy watching anything with adventure or something extremely silly and funny.

But unlike many other boys he is a mad reader who loves diving into all types of books from adventure to sci-fi to comedy.  If a book is particularly funny, his family can often hear him laughing out loud and they know that shortly they will be forced to listen whilst he re-reads them the funny bits.

Social Jack’s mantra: ‘The more the merrier.'  

Thirteen-year-old Katelyn attends Mercedes College in Perth and is a member of their Junior Book Club and a frequent visitor to the school library.
Katelyn enjoys a wide range of reading styles, with The Hunger Games and Harry Potter being two of her favourite series. She also enjoys YA rom-coms and fantasy stories.
When not at school, Katelyn is reading, writing and NOT studying (much to her mother's disgust!)

When eleven-year-old Rhiannan is not playing with her pets, dog Spud and cats Garfy and Shadow, you will find her reading one of her many books. An avid reader, she enjoys comedy and is particularly fond of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Big Nate series. She also enjoys fantasy and any books involving animal stories.
At night you can find Rhiannan curled up with a book, with one or two cats competing for her attention!

Sophia, aged ten, has loved to read since she was little. She loves to read realistic fiction novels, her favourites to date being the 'Alice Miranda' and the 'Dork Diaries' series. Reading is a way where her mind can take her to magical places and beyond! When she reads she never puts the book down until her mum shouts at her because it is very late at night.                                                                                                                                      

Alexander is 12 years old and enjoys sport, fishing (only when he catches fish), and eating Hungry Jacks. He dislikes getting sand in his pants at the beach. His proud achievements include making a Wizz Fizz showbag, from The Royal Show, last eight months, without his younger siblings finding its secret location. His favourite time to read is when the house is quiet which means Alexander has had to resort to nocturnal reading.


Jemma is a Year 6 student at OLA Dianella. The eleven-year-old likes to draw and watch TV.  When she is not drawing or watching TV you can find her doing anything BUT reading!  She likes the Harry Potter books and joined the Kids Review Krew in an attempt to discover how much fun reading could be.

Annabelle attends Our Lady's Assumption Primary School in Dianella and is nearly 11years old. Her hobbies are gymnastics, playing netball, lounging around and watching TV and most of all reading.

Annabelle loves lots of different types of books but she mostly loves books with drama and mysteries. Her favourite books are the ‘Dork Diaries’ series, the ‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ series, Roald Dahl and Mary Poppins. When she isn't reading you'll find her NOT doing her homework, one of her biggest dislikes.

Felicity is an eleven year old Year 6 student at Our Lady’s Assumption in the Perth suburb of Dianella.  This eleven year old likes to dance, cook, watch TV and, most of all, read. She loves the Harry Potter series and the Hunger Games series.  
           Some other things Felicity loves to do are annoying her brother, playing with her pets and singing loudly in the shower. 

TRACY HARRIS (Assistant Editor)

           Tracy has enjoyed reading since the moment she first opened a book and discovered the worlds that can be found inside. She firmly believes that reading is one of the true pleasures in life and should be encouraged from an early age, a habit that both she and her husband have nurtured in their two daughters.
          Fortunately, this love of reading contrasts well with her dislike of housework and Tracy can often be found with her nose in a book, whilst the dust bunnies roam free.

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